Latest VideoAsk Prompt.
Respond to our latest VideoAsk prompt. This time you have the choice of two questions to respond to. Watch Christen’s explanation below and then choose to respond to Question Option 1 or 2 (or both!).
Question 1:
Question 2:
Thank you to those who have responded to our second VideoAsk question. This one came in two parts. Check out the responses to questions 2A and 2B in the two playlists below! At the moment these playlists are “unlisted” on YouTube, so only those who have the link can see them.
VideoAsk Responses: Question 2
Question 2A: What are the challenges in capturing value through micro-creds?
Question 2B: How do arts programs engage young people?
Plus we received this fantastic text-based response from Christine Evely (ACMI):
Question 2A: What are the challenges in capturing value through micro-creds?
“If a micro-cred is a means of ‘signalling value’ – of capturing the social, cultural and/or economic ‘value’ of skills and capabilities developed by participating in certain creative practices and activities, then it follows that there needs to be some way of agreeing on that value.
This is probably the part that is most challenging, finding a way to clearly identify, the knowledge, skills or other attributes that have been developed, and describing them carefully - in a way that can be understood and agreed upon by participants, and also by those wishing to use the micro-cred as ‘currency’, across various organisations, workplaces or industries.
It relies in some part on recognition of the value of the organisation delivering the creative practices or activities, but this is very subjective.
And, it will be more difficult to benchmark if a person has undertaken a project independently. Then it could rely on a person’s self-assessment, or perhaps assessment by a ‘trusted other’, against the identified knowledge, skills or other attributes (that have been carefully described as per above).
In terms of extending the life, or currency, of the value – I think it’s a bit like any listing on a person’s resume, the person reading can evaluate the continued relevance over time, depending on the work, study, or other activity the person is wishing to engage in, as they would do with any formal qualification or place of work included on a resume. Some items may hold relevance for a greater time than others. For example, an item related to a digi-tech skill may become outdated or require updating in a short period, whereas an ability to think critically about an idea or project may have value over a longer period. Again, this will depend on who is evaluating the micro-cred and the reason the micro-cred is being evaluated.”
Question 2B: How do arts programs engage young people?
“I know of a young man in his late 20s, disengaged from formal education since mid-way through his Year 12 study. He commenced a TAFE Interactive Digital Media course, but again disengaged after one term when the work became theoretical rather than hands-on. Since then, for more than 8 years, he has mostly been unemployed except to provide some basic support to a family member with a web-based business. He completed a retail TAFE certificate (except the placement component in a retail location which was interrupted by COVID – and he’s not interested in completing this as he’s not really keen on retail). He is currently engaged in a TAFE Cert 3 computer networking course.
In the intervening years he has spent his (many) waking hours engaged in activities related to graphic creativity and videogame play. He has developed some medium to high level skills related to creation and customisation of graphic arts images, mostly anime style characters, and skills, and in placing created characters into virtual environments.
He has also developed medium to high level skills related to analysing videogame play, developing, and executing play strategies individually and with teams of players, and leading and co-ordinating player team-mates in multiplayer gameplay.
Additionally, he has developed medium to high level capabilities in relation to filming, streaming, commentary and critique related to videogame-play to demonstrate strategies and to engage an audience. He engages in this because it is something he enjoys and/or because he is invested in (strong interest) sharing and communicating with others around a particular game.
He does not see himself as having marketable skills and capabilities.”
Video Ask Responses Question 1: Creativity
We’re excited to share the responses to our first VideoAsk prompt “what does creativity mean to you?”
Check out the YouTube playlist with all the video and audio responses.
We’ll also be compiling all these responses into a series of public blogs - if you’d prefer your response wasn’t included let us know by Thursday 8th September.