Digital Badges: Capturing and Creating Value.
This theme explores the uses of digital badges to demonstrate and accredit skills learnt through youth arts.
Micro-creds are a fairly recent, digitally enabled approach to the accreditation of skills and training outcomes. They certify that learners have developed specific skills and knowledge through short courses of study or training. Once completed, learners are awarded a digital badge, which certifies the skills learnt. Digital badges can then be shared across a variety of platforms to notify potential employers of their skills and experience. Through our project we will work with industry partners to explore the potential uses of micro-creds to recognise the 21st century skills learnt through their youth arts programs.
Every six months, our Action Research Industry Group (ARIG) will meet to discuss and refine the production of the micro-creds. The micro-creds design will reflect industry and youth needs. Through surveying the needs of our diverse participants and assessing models for micro-cred stack-ability and pathways to work, the task of the ARIG will be to guide the development of three micro-creds in ways that best meet the needs of industry and young people involved in arts.
Image: Project Partner The Push